I was born in Jacksonville, NC to a military family. My father served our country in the USMC throughout my childhood. Although my parents were strict, I was raised in a lost home. I grew up with no knowledge of God or of His wonderful love for me. It was through the faithful witness of a young marine, that the Gospel was presented to my father. When I was twelve years old, my father trusted Christ as his personal Saviour and shortly thereafter, my mother was saved. From that moment forward we faithfully attended church as a family. Unfortunately, several years passed before I made a decision to trust Christ as my personal Saviour. As a senior in high school, I recognized my need to be saved and trusted Christ as my personal Saviour. From that point forward, God began to do a great work in my life and I praise Him for it. I can honestly say that He turned my life right side up!
God saved my life and changed my desires. I enrolled in Bible College and started classes one year after I was saved. It was in Bible College that the Lord called me to preach. I answered the call and began my preparation for His service. I began to seize the opportunities God gave to serve Him in our local church. I graduated from Bible College in 2004 with a degree in Bible and Pastoral Theology. It was also in Bible College that I met my wonderful wife.
My wife, Holly, was saved when she was 5 years old. She grew up in a Christian home in New Jersey. She was raised by two loving and wonderful parents.
After Bible College, my wife and I had the opportunity to serve the Lord in various ministries. The Lord has blessed us with three beautiful children. Juliahna (our oldest daughter) is married to Evan and lives in NC. They have a daughter named Nova. Juliahna is 20 years old, Briahna is 18 years old and Joseph is 17 years old. It has been a real blessing to raise our children in a Christian home.